Saturday, July 24, 2010




其实我很相信星座的寓言。处女座的个性,基本上我都有。有时候一大早会去买报纸,为的就是要找出处女座一天的运程,才放心过日子。我每天都与科学和工程为伴,会相信这些吗?当然会,我相信生物的变化会受到大自然里一切变化的影响。这包括宇宙间的一切。而在这空间里,存在的并不只是只有你我他,而是还有好多好多的“不明物体”。这是因为我相信人类不是非常了不起的,是不能感受到宇宙间的一切。There are not enough sensors in us to sense everything in this world. Human will stop asking "why" if we already certain that the world we know today is the world that exist.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The start of Japanese Language Training

Time flies, with great sadness, no matter how it is, we still need to graduate, we still need to be separated from university life. but that's life, we need to progress to the next stage in our life. There are still plenty of exciting experiences in life waiting for us. There are lives after life.

Arrived at Casa Tiara, one of the apartments in Subang Jaya next to Subang Parade and Carrefour. A shopping paradise itself. hence, my car has lost its function. Everything just within walking distance.

Ever since i reaching here, my life becomes very scheduled and little bit healthy. wake up every early morning for 4 hours and 30 minutes of japanese class. Swimming follows suit. dinner with my only housemate, kang hern. revision and vocabulary practice before going to sleep on midnight. Not a bad life actually, but everything end in 3 months time. There will be much more adventures and unknowns when i reach tokyo at the end of october.

i've tried to treat the japanese language as my electronics circuit boards. hope one day i'll fall in love with it and master it in a shorter time. but so far it doesn't happen yet..... haha