Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas illumination

Somehow, i realize... my passion for language maybe is more than my passion for engineering. Yet again, the love of first sight as it might sound, at the moment when listening to the Irish Gaelic version of Silent Night, sung by Meav Ni Mhaolchatha of Celtic Woman, the beauty of this Irish language has intruded me like a long sword. It made me wondering yet again if Europe will be a perfect future studying/working environment for me.... or Tokyo will still be the best.... Understand Japanese language is still one of the most greatest achievement in my life. It represents the key to one of the greatest science & engineering communities on earth. I learn knowledge through my own ways with my own rhythm and own passion. It might not sound like my boss will like me with this kind of rubbish attitude but this is my way of living and nobody could change it. 

Merry Christmas as it happens, light illuminations conquer everything in Tokyo. The city has everything on 25th December but a holiday. 2 degree celcius might be a little cold, but somehow, it is the temperature where my hemoglobins are at their best. It hasten my desires to go out and run in the cold and work towards my first full marathon in life next year!

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