Monday, January 23, 2012

new year night...

spending my new year in japan for 2nd year in a row... 
thinking about malaysia while staying in room preparing a very important presentation the day after tomorrow.... 
the feeling is different but it's ok. i'll get the chance to see my friends and family this coming summer. 
concentrating on my 2nd circuit design in my company, will need to finish it by the end of this month.

nice new year but again, a moderate earthquake happened in japan a moment ago. no damage. 
There were lots of earthquake activities recently, especially after the mega earthquake last year.

today was a nice day indeed.... i wish to go to chinatown but staying in room was the right decision as i'm forcing myself to start and turn some pages of my "Korean : Level 1".... guess what, i'm seriously starting to learn it... great new year day, lol... 

 finally, happy new year! 新年快乐,万事如意。。。。

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